Am Mittwoch fuhren wir in den Park und machten ein Picknik. Dann fuhren wir weiter zum Interview nach Manresa. Außerdem spielten wir mit 3 Spielern der Mannschaft (SuzukiManresa) ein Freundschaftsspiel.
The third day we did school activities until we had lunch at 12:30 p.m. and we went to Manresa. First we visited the Nou Congost and we interviewed some players. We finished our journey visiting the city centre.
The third day we did school activities until we had lunch at 12:30 p.m. and we went to Manresa. First we visited the Nou Congost and we interviewed some players. We finished our journey visiting the city centre.
AntwortenLöschenOn the court we trained with the locally famous players and that was really great experience. I felt as a real player and my school mates too.