Our partnership focuses on the following aims and objectives:
-Increase the knowledge of the English and Spanish languages.
-Realise about the "real" necessity to learn foreign languages to communicate and interact with other European teens in a multilingual background.
-Promote linguistic diversity in Europe.
-Encourage the mobility of students within Europe.
-Facilitate cultural exchange and strengthen active relationship among European teens.
-Promote the use of ICTs as usual tools of communication.
-Educate students in the good use of computer resources and information.
-Develop the importance of team work among students.
-Learn and respect a different European culture and specific living conditions.
-Promote important values and challenges as team spirit, solidarity, tolerance, fair play, self-confidence in oneself and motivation to learn.
-Make students aware of the appropriate practice of sport: the contribution to a good physical and mental health.
-Motivate students to learn foreign languages by means of transverse dynamic activities through internet and the school exchange.
-Promote team work among different departments and European schools with the purpose of exchanging experiences and information and developing common strategies to improve the quality of teaching based on IC technology.
-Increase the quality and European dimension of teachers and education staff.
-Learn about different school systems, curricular programmes and disciplines.
-Societal role of sport, values and challenges sport generates nowadays.
-Physical education activities that European teens practise in and out of school.
-Organization of a sports tournament.
-Knowledge of popular national sports and visit to local sports clubs and sponsors.
-Institutions and traditions.
-The environment.
-Daily school life.
-Family and social life.
-Free time activities.