Canción "Manos al aire"
Die Hände zum Himmel warfen die Schülerinnen und Schüler aus dem Spanischunterricht der 7. Klasse als sie ihren gelernten Text in den Make Media-Studios aufnahmen. Etwas aufgeregt, aber voller Tatendrang nahmen sie die kleine Reise zum Speicher XI auf sich, um dort Ihre Version des Liedes "manos al aire" aufzunehmen. Zusammen mit der Medienpädagogin Nik Schinzler nahmen sie ihr Lied auf und gaben diesem eine spezielle Note der Wilhelm-Olbers-Schule. Das Projekt ist Teil des regulären Spanischunterrichts und soll den Schülerinnen und Schüler helfen und sie befähigen, ihr sprachliches Potenzial zu steigern bzw. zu verbessern.
- And finally, the version of the song "manos al aire" became our sports tournament anthem!!! Do you want to listen to our singers? Click below!
Otro proyecto
De momento trabajamos con la pizzara electrónica. Los alumnos preparan una iStop Motion película con la pizarra. Después grabamos las voces....

A meeting of Spanish Comenius Coordinators took place in Madrid on 7-8 October 2009. In there all coordinators were advised about how to get the best results from our partnerships.
Each school coordinator was also given a Comenius Badget "We are Comenius". The first step to let everyone know that our schools were already involved in a European Association and in the educational challenge it will lead us to.
We all did enjoy a nice and motivating atmosphere and felt constantly supported by OAPEE and our Departament d'Educació Serveis Llengües Estrangeres.
We were also invited to Barcelona (Caixa Forum) later on 2nd November 2009 by Departament d'Educació to reunite with Catalan schools that were not able to attend the meeting in Madrid. This time the meeting was held at regional level (Catalunya) and it aimed to give value in public to all current Catalan projects.
You can see some photos and the centers involved at:
Photos Madrid
This is the draft of our project working plan. We are constantly working on it, adding new items evaluating old entries and making changes to it. Without this, our project would be adrift.
Working Plan Rev3
Working Plan Rev3
On the 23rd September 2009 Catalan coordinators did the first work group session. We are also attending the course. Comenius Coordinators from all over Catalonia are meeting regularly in Barcelona (a total of 5 sessions from September 2009 up to April 2010) to discuss and be advised on how to deal with a Comenius project. It is being of great help to those like us for whom this is the first time we are into a Comenius Project.
Comenius people responsible for Department d'Educació and well-experienced coordinators support us and help us with doubts and enquiries we all are having along the project.
It is highly recommended to attend those work group sessions. It is a good way to meet colleagues with similar interests and fears and make friendship and start collaboration among us. Thanks Cristina (Berga), Alba (Manresa), Alba (Prats)! See you all.
This is how it all began: two schools looking for a partner to work on a sports project with ICTs. A teacher from Bremen (Daniel Weber in Germany) and the other from Artés (Rosa M. Galiano in Spain). Both teachers found each other on eTwinning platform in 2007. First contact on September 2007 to share ideas and experiences. Very soon first results and the project no longer a dream but a reality. 32 teens aged 14-17 being part of a European project during school year 2007-08. New visions, new challenges. The results on: http://sports-tournament-project.blogspot.com
The eTwinning project named "Sports Tournament Project" became the embryo of our current Comenius Project. With the eTwinning project our German partner was awarded with the eTwinning Quality prize for our common project. http://www.wilhelm-olbers-schule.de/434.html
By the end of July 2009 we were excited to know we were COMENIUS! Our schools got a bilateral Comenius project: "Sports Tournament Project 2.0"! Same teachers, same schools, same project with plenty of possibilities (this time with subsidy) and new students! http://www.scribd.com/doc/34640682
Working & learning activities in lo-kompakt
Nach einigen erfolgreichen Projekten haben wir uns entschlossen unsere eTwinning-Projekte mehr und mehr in den Unterricht unserer Klassen zu implementieren. Aus diesem Grund benutzen wir die VLE lo-kompakt, die uns kostenlos zu Verfügung gestellt wird.
Mit dieser Plattform, bzw. mit den Vorgängern lo-net und lo-net2 habe ich Verlauf meiner Arbeit gute bis sehr gute Erfolge verzeichnen können. Die Kommunikation ist klar und Aufgaben (auch über eTwinning hinaus) können definiert und verwaltet werden. Das spart Zeit und setzt Kapazitäten frei.
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